发布日期: 2020/12/11
平台: Windows 7、Windows 8.1 和 Windows 10
- 处理器:Intel i5 2 Ghz 或同等规格
- 内存:4GB
- 硬盘:推荐 256GB
- 显卡:256MB
- 显示屏:1024 x 768 像素
- 操作系统:Windows 7 SP2、Windows 8.1、Windows 10。
- .NET Framework:4.6.2
- 推荐专用网卡
支持的语言: 简体中文
Integrated I/O Management support
Integrated Modbus server support
New flexible data logging system
Improvements to trigger performance
Support for light and dark themes
Play a sound on alarm
User interface design changes to improve data logging and managing open windows and views
Reduced CPU usage when connected to high-speed Spot devices (1ms)